The Resolution for Conflict of Land Transmigration as a form of Legal Protection for the Holder on Right of Land in the Regency of East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia


Heryanti .
Sahrina Safiuddin


The aim of this research identifies the causes of conflict of land tenure in transmigrant community. This research also tries to formulate the model for resolution of conflict of land tenure in its, so that it can be a reference to develop indicator of successful implementation and achievement of transmigration itself. Method of research in using, is empirical normative legal method. It is located at the Regency of East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi Province of Indonesia. The data in this research contains primary and secondary data. The data analysis technique which is qualitative interpretative. The result of research shows that causes of conflict of land tenure of transmigrant community, namely, the lack of socialization of the transmigration program to local communities, the control of transmigrant land which has implications for changes in the economic value of the land, the socio-economic disparity between indigenous people and transmirants and indigenous people has the presumption of indigenous people's land in exiatence. Resolution for conflict of land tenure in transmigrant community, can be performed through the litigation (the court) and non-litigation. One of the Resolution Models, is a mediation where local government makes the Integrated Team for Handling Social Conflict involving all elements that are competent in the handling of social conflicts, including land tenure conflict.


How to Cite
., H., & Safiuddin, S. (2017). The Resolution for Conflict of Land Transmigration as a form of Legal Protection for the Holder on Right of Land in the Regency of East Kolaka, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(10). Retrieved from