Social Work Practice and Industrial Economy in Tanzania: Where Is a Link? A Case of the Institute of Social Work, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania


William Manyama
Richard Haule
Abigail Kiwelu


The role of social work in transforming the lives of individuals, groups and communities towards a better living and generally contributing to national development is beyond doubt. Historical evidence shows that social work from its inception was, on one hand, responsive to the challenges brought about by industrial revolution and on the other hand positively contributing to industrialization process in developed countries. It is against this background that this study examines the linkage between social work and industrial economy in Tanzania. The study findings indicate that social work profession has a huge contribution during and after the industrialization process in Tanzania. The contribution of social work is apparent and embedded in different methods of social work namely: case work, group work, community work, social policy, research and social administration. This study recommends that social workers have to innovatively and actively participate during and after the industrialization process so as to realize the national development focus. Second, the government has to support the profession because of its elevated position in dealing with peoples' everyday lives if industrial economy strategies/initiatives have to be implemented.


How to Cite
Manyama, W., Haule, R., & Kiwelu, A. (2017). Social Work Practice and Industrial Economy in Tanzania: Where Is a Link? A Case of the Institute of Social Work, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(11). Retrieved from