Father's Involvement, Child Protection, and Child Subjective Well-being in Migrant Woman Worker Families


Febriansyah Yahya
Herien Puspitawati
Dwi Hastuti


This study aimed to analyze the effect of father's characteristics, mother characteristics, child characteristics, father's involvement, child protection, and child subjective well-being in migrant woman worker family. The study using designs a cross-sectional study. Location of the research was selected purposively in Pagermaneuh Village, Karang Tengah Village, Tanggeung Village, Margaluyu Village from Tanggeung Sub-district and Pasir Dalem Village from Kadupandak Sub-district, Cianjur Regency, West Java Province, Indonesia. Sample of this research were 75 fathers' and 75 children from intact family, whose is mother left overseas and at least has been a migrant woman worker for 6 months. The results show that father's involvement is in medium category, child protection is in high category, child subjective well-being is in medium category. The child characteristic has a significant negative direct effect to fathers' involvement. The child characteristic has a significant negative direct effect to child subjective well-being. The child characteristic has a significant negative indirect to child protection through the father's involvement. Fathers' involvement has a significant positive direct effect to child protection.


How to Cite
Yahya, F., Puspitawati, H., & Hastuti, D. (2017). Father’s Involvement, Child Protection, and Child Subjective Well-being in Migrant Woman Worker Families. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(6). Retrieved from https://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijhss/article/view/125416