Availability and Extent of Utilization of E-learning Resources in National Open University of Nigeria Study Centres of Anambra and Enugu States, Nigeria
The main focus of this study was to find out the availability and extent of utilization of e-learning resources in National Open University of Nigeria Study Centres of Anambra and Enugu States, Nigeria. Four research questions were formulated to guide the study. The population of the study comprised of all the 2838 adult learners in the study centres. The sample of the study consisted of 567 adult learners selected through proportionate stratified random sampling technique. Questionnaire which was dully validated by two experts, one from Adult Education and the other from Technical Education was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed with percentage and mean. The reliability of the instrument was 0.86 which was adjudged highly enough. Among the major findings of the study include that; computer, internet, printed materials, instructional audio tapes, among others were available in the study centres and while computer, internet, multimedia projector, instructional TV and radio were used to low extent, printed materials, CD-ROMS, instructional audio and video tapes were used to high extent. Some of the constraints include poor power supply, high cost of purchasing resources, poor attitude include among others. Some of the strategies include stable power supply, training of the learners on the use of e-learning resources. One of the recommendations is that government should make adequate provisions for different types of e-learning resources in the NOUN study centres.