Effect of Computer Based Instruction on Learner Performance in Art and Design in Public Secondary Schools in Kenya
The main purpose of this paper is to establish the effect of using computer based instruction on learner's performance in Art and Design in public secondary schools in Kenya. The objective of the study was to establish the difference in the performance of learners who were taught Art and Design using computer based instruction (CBI)and those who were taught using conventional methods of instruction (CM).The study reviewed related literature from other scholars that provided an overview of use of computer based instruction in Art and Design as well as in other subjects. Studies comparing conventional and computer based teaching were also reviewed. This study was guided by Cognitive Load theory which is an instructional theory maintaining that working memory allows the learner to think creatively and logically in order to solve problems. The study was based on the concept that the instructional methods used by the teacher to deliver Art and Design knowledge and skills influence learner performance. The study used quasi experiment of the nonequivalent control group design. Purposive sampling was employed to select the sample size of schools, the Form two students doing Art and Design and their subject teachers. Nine boys' and nine girls' schools were used in the study, a total of eighteen public secondary schools in Kenya. Four hundred and fifty students and eighteen teachers were respondents in the study. The treatment used in this study was computer based instruction while the control was conventional methods of instruction. The main research instruments used to collect data for this study were two: Art and Design Performance Test 1 (ADPT 1) aspre-test and Art and Design Performance test 2 (ADPT 2) as post-test. Additional data was collected through teachers' and students' questionnaires. Data was analyzed descriptively by use of SPSS programme. Descriptive statistics such as bar graphs, pie chart and tables were used to discuss research findings. The study also used t-test as inferential statistics to test the significance of difference in the performance of learners taught using computer based instruction (CBI) and those taught using conventional methods (CM). The study found that there is a significant difference in the two methods of instruction. Learners who were taught Art and Design using Computer based instruction (CBI) showed the most improved performance but the learners who were taught using conventional methods (CM) showed minimum improvement in performance. Further, the study found out that use of computer-based instruction in schools is constrained by inadequacy of personal computers that would encourage individual instruction, lack of computer programmes that are employable in Art and Design and unavailability of internet. Low level of computer literacy among Art and Design teachers confined them to provide instruction using conventional methods. The study recommended that, a strong support at the national level be initiated towards a systematic planning for the use of technology in the schools through improving facilities, equipments and training of the Art and Design teachers to gain computer skills.