Analysis of Third-party Wedding Financing Motives: The Case of Primary School Teachers in Shinyanga, Tanzania
This study aimed at analyzing participants' motives for financing wedding occasions. Specifically, the study focused on the following four independent variables; marital status, social investment, social status and need to maintain solidarity as the predictors of decision to contribute for wedding occasions. Using survey data, 264 questionnaires, printed on a one page, were administered to primary school teachers from three districts of Kishapu, Kahama and Shinyanga attending a two-week training workshop at Uhuru Secondary School in Shinyanga Municipality. Data were coded, processed and analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS) version 20. Two key informants were also interviewed and their responses were presented as case studies. Logistic regression was performed in order to measure the effects of predictors on outcome variable. Results of the logistic regression analysis revealed a significant effect of social investment, solidarity maintenance, social status and marital status on the decision to contribute. This study concludes that decision to contribute money for various wedding parties is not only an aspect of personality but also a function of many different social forces. This study sets a benchmark to expand understanding of approaches to non-charitable donations in other social events such as Christmas, graduation ceremonies and religious based ceremonies.