Eudaimonic Well-Being and Physical Health: A Systematic Literature Review


Christina Boufali-Bavella
Anastasios Stalikas
Michael Galanakis


The aim of this systematic review is to examine the relationship between eudaimonic, well-being and physical health and investigate if eudaimonic well-being both promotes and protects physical health. More specifically, 24 studies were reviewed; measuring Eudaimonic Well-Being (EWB) based on Ryff's measuring scale of Psychological well-being (PWB). Data have been collected using Pubmed and Google scholar database and literature has been searched with the following algorithms: "eudaimonic well-being” or "psychological well-being” and "physical health”. Results suggested that eudaimonic well-being can be considered both a protective and a proactive factor for physical health. Also, an eudaimonic way of living might be a preventive factor against the occurance of disease. Furthermore, results mostly highlight the necessity of more clinical interventions, including interventional programs from the early years of life.


How to Cite
Boufali-Bavella, C., Stalikas, A., & Galanakis, M. (2017). Eudaimonic Well-Being and Physical Health: A Systematic Literature Review. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 5(3). Retrieved from