Job Motivation and Associated Factors among Hospital Staffs at Nigist Eleni Mohammed Memorial General Hospital, Hadiya Zone, SNNPRS
Back ground: Health worker's motivation reflects the interactions between workers and their work environment. Motivation has necessary to generate the organizational commitment towards the patients and the hospital and there for the knowledge about what motivates and satisfies them is very essential. Human resource is a vital component in delivering health services. Health systems cannot function effectively without sufficient numbers of skilled and motivated health workers. Because of the interactive nature of motivation, local organizational and broader sector policies have the potential to affect motivation of health workers, either positively or negatively, and as such to influence health system performance. Yet little is known about the key determinants and associated factors of motivation in developing countries.
Objective: The main objective of this study was to assess job motivation and associated factors among Hospital staffs at Nigist Eleni Mohammed Memorial General Hospital, Hadiya Zone, Southern Nations and Nationalities of Peoples Regional State, Ethiopia.
Materials and methods: A facility based cross-sectional study design was employed from May 1 to June 15, 2016. The study population included all hospital workers at N/E/M/M/G Hospital from all departments and wards at the time of the study. Quantitative data was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. To ensure quality and validity of these tools, a pre-test was conducted on 5% of the study unit in Hospital out of the study site. The data was analyzed using the statistical package for social science (SPSS) version 20. Mean motivation calculated as percentage of maximum scale score was used. Bivariate and multiple linear regression analyses were done to see the independent effects of explanatory variables.
Result: The overall motivation level of hospital workers was 62.06%. The highest percentage was for intrinsic motivation 83.26%, timeliness 79.49%, organizational commitment 79.49%, organizational conscientiousness 67.31% and organizational burnout 34.72%. In multiple linear regression analysis job content, coworkers' relationship, supervisor worker relationship, age of respondent, Feedback, remuneration, marital status was found to be significant predictors of hospital worker's motivation.
Conclusion: More than ¾ or 81% of the Hospital staffs showed a mean motivation score of greater than 50%. Supervisor-worker relationship, feedback mechanism, co- worker's relationship, and training were an important factor for motivation. Remuneration and job content related factors were found to be less motivating. The result showed variation in motivation score by gender, type of workers, training and time in post. Therefore, Hospital, zonal and regional health office administrators should focus on these tools to alleviate motivation problems.