An Analytical Study on Management Traits of Women Self Help Group Members with Special Reference to Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India


Praba K.
Kavitha Shanmugam


Since year 1989, a large number of rural people particularly women have been mobilized into Self Help Groups in state of Tamil Nadu. This has built the social capital among the rural people in the State. SHG movement in the state has not only provided economic benefit to its members but more importantly created viable social capital in the form of an empowered community. However , critical gaps have been observed in the management of day to day activities of the Self Help Groups relating to different group dynamics, organizational management, financial management, arrangement of livelihood activities, internal monitoring, accountability etc. the present has been carried out by the researchers with the view to address the capital gaps in the area of management of women self help groups by applying certain management traits for their effective functioning in the study area. For this purpose the researchers have chosen Madurai district of Tamil Nadu.


How to Cite
K., P., & Shanmugam, K. (2016). An Analytical Study on Management Traits of Women Self Help Group Members with Special Reference to Madurai District, Tamil Nadu, India. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(11). Retrieved from