An Empirical Study on the Procedures and Practices of Training and Development
As an organization increases in size and complexity, its management must adopt by becoming more specialized. The history of most ongoing organizations reveals an evolution through which the management has grown from one manager with many subordinates to a team of many managers with many subordinate. The development of different types of managers has occurred as a result of evolution of management over the years. One way to grasp the complexity of management is to see that managers can practice at different levels in an organization and with a different range of organizational activities. Looking at the level and scope of various kinds of managers, it is evident that how different skills and roles are emphasized in different managements. Based on this, management is divided into front line, middle and top managers. The management function of planning, organizing, leading and controlling is performed by all managers. However, the amount of time and effort devoted to each function depends on the manager's hierarchy in the organization. The effort made by the enterprises to update the knowledge of their employees and impart them with newer skills and managerial capabilities through training has been analyzed with the help of the opinions of the sample respondents.