Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and Challenges for Young Algerians
According to the World Tourism Organization, Algeria ranks as the fourth tourist destination in Africa after Morocco, Tunisia and South Africa with the respective Market shares of 20.8 %, 19 %, 14.9 % and 1.1%. However, this figure of 1.1% contrasts with the existence of a high service potential that Algeria could really harness. In fact, Algeria received 4.8% of tourist visits in the Mediterranean region in 2011. In the same year, Algeria recorded a cross-borders flow estimated at 2.5 million tourists; figure that doesn't seem to be significant owing to the existence of real opportunities given by Algerian institutions to support financially and administratively young entrepreneurs as far as SME's development is concerned. In this context, the aim of this study is to try to provide answers to a series of questions focused on the following issue:What is the role of Algerian youth in the promotion of sustainable tourism, both as entrepreneurs (actors) or tourists (consumers)?The analysis will draw on both national and international official reports and may highlight the opportunities and challenges facing young Algerians in the field of entrepreneurship, more particularly with the existence of multiple sources of financing provided by a variety of institutions accompanying the Algerian entrepreneurs.
How to Cite
Mohammed, B., & Abderrezzak, B. (2016). Sustainable Tourism and Entrepreneurship: Opportunities and Challenges for Young Algerians. The International Journal of Business & Management, 4(11). Retrieved from