Effects of Leadership Traits on Firm Performance


Tracy Nyenze
Joanes Kaleli Kyongo


The purpose of the study was to establish the effect of leadership traits on firm performance in Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS) and a corresponding hypothesis was formulated and tested. The study targeted a sample of 98 employees at KWS Headquarters in Nairobi, and 79 of them responded.  The study employed a descriptive research design and data was collected using  structured questionnaires and analyzed   using descriptive and inferential statistics  by the help of SPSS version 21. The findings of the research established that leadership traits positively and significantly affects firm performance in Kenya Wildlife Service. The study was anchored on the Contingency theory, Organization system theory and Leadership traits theory. The study recommends further investigation of the  study variables in other State Corporations locally and abroad.


How to Cite
Nyenze, T., & Kyongo, J. K. (2017). Effects of Leadership Traits on Firm Performance. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(7). Retrieved from https://www.internationaljournalcorner.com/index.php/theijbm/article/view/124284