An Assessment of Factors Affecting Public Sector Project Management in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia (A Case Study of Oromia Drinking Water Construction Project)


Abebe Negesse Bantu


The aim of this paper is to examine and point out factors affecting public sectors project management of Oromia drinking water construction projects management.  For this study descriptive research method was employed. Interview, FGD and questionnaires were used to collect primary and document review was used for secondary data.  According to Research Advisors (2006) method at 95% level of confidence, from the total of 277, 160 respondents were selected for the study sample size with simple random sampling technique after stratifying the population. Finally the SPSS version 20 and descriptive statistical tools such as percentages, frequencies and mean, for data presentation, tables, graphs and diagrams were used by the study. After thorough analysis, the paper find out that incompetency of project personnel whose assignment was based on political merit competency, Absence of strong  top management support, weak coordination on common goals, fraudulent practices, kickbacks and corruption; and lack of coordination between general contractors and subcontractors, lack of continuous follow up of  the project progress, inappropriate input cost control and inadequate pre-contract study were the major factors of  Oromia Drinking Water Construction Project Management. Finally, the researcher recommends that it is better if the Bureau should work strongly to set a system that can reduce or if possible avoid fraudulent practices, kickbacks and corruption by changing the mindset of its employees and contractors. Another issue is that the bureau should assign adequate and competent site managers in all projects and participate community water construction projects site selection. Improving its method of cost estimation, the bureau should monitor and evaluate the cost estimation made and considering the changing circumstances before it gets approved. 


How to Cite
Bantu, A. N. (2017). An Assessment of Factors Affecting Public Sector Project Management in Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia (A Case Study of Oromia Drinking Water Construction Project). The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(7). Retrieved from