Perception towards National Television Channel: A Bangladesh Perspective


Dewan Mehrab Ashrafi


This study aimed to specify the factors affecting consumer's perception towards Bangladesh Television. Identified factors were: entertainment, technology, information and program form secondary data analysis (Appendix). The industry expert helped to clarify and understand other factors as well. Primary data were obtained through survey questionnaire. Paired T test has been carried out to find out the accuracy of the hypothesis. Regression model has been used to find out if the independent variables have significant relationship with the dependent variable. From data analysis, 20-factors were found influencing the dependent variable, and the data was from the questionnaire which was completed by different people of different ages, gender, occupation, location. Frequencies, crosstabs, paired t-test, regression analysis and correlation were used for data analysis. This analysis showed that 20 of the independent variables influences the dependent variable. From the regression analysis, it has been found that the value of R square is 0.934. That means independent variables have 93% impact over the dependent variable. In other words, the dependent variable can be influenced 93% by the independent variables. Adjusted R square is .934 which is close to R square. The test was significant (Sig was 0.00 in ANOVA table).


How to Cite
Ashrafi, D. M. (2017). Perception towards National Television Channel: A Bangladesh Perspective. The International Journal of Business & Management, 5(7). Retrieved from