Effectiveness Guidance Board to Increase Students' Understanding of Self-Development Materials: Innovation in Guidance and Counseling Media


Nindiya Eka Safitri
Muhammad Nur Wangid


This study aims to develop a media guidance board to increase understanding of self-development in Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) students. Self-development is a need for MTs students who need to be facilitated through guidance and counseling services. The type of research used is Research and Development (R&D) with a 4D model (Design, Define, Development, and Dissemination). This research produces a guidance board that has been through a media and material expert validation test, as well as an effective test with the pretest-posttest one group design experimental method. The media expert validation score is 23 or in the good category, while the score from the material expert validation is 26 or in the very good category. Meanwhile, the results of the effectiveness test on grade VII A students at MTs N 5 Gunungkidul showed an increase in student understanding of 1.46 points. Thus, the guidance board is stated as a feasible and effective product to increase the understanding of self-development material in MTs students.
