Curriculum Change Models and their Resemblance and Suitability for Ghanaian Educational System


George Prince Atta
Samuel Antwi
Thomas Amankwah
Isaac Kwame Oduro
Thomas Okyere


This paper reviews some of the curriculum change models and indicates how three of them are similar and suitable for the Ghanaian educational system. The paper begins by considering the nature of the curriculum change model and what necessitates change. Differentiating among concepts such as curriculum, curriculum change, and innovation are considered. Also, strategies influencing curriculum change are outlined. Again, two sets of change models or theories-Early models of curriculum change outlined by Schon and New emergent models or theories of curriculum change propounded by Havelock are addressed. The early theories seem to outlive their usefulness due to globalization and advances in knowledge through Information and Communications Technology (ICT). As a result, new emergence theories such as, the Research, Development and Diffusion Model (RD&D); Social Interaction Model (S.I); Problem Solving Model (S.P), and Linkage Model (L) are reviewed. Furthermore, the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NaCCA), as a unit of Ministry of Education and Ghana Education Service responsible for curriculum issues at the pre-university level are examined. Finally, the paper establishes the similarities between RD&D and NaCCA, and commends Educationists for selecting a suitable model for Ghanaian education system. Other revised or modified models by Nduanya such as, the RD & D model and Linkage model are suggested to be adopted by NaCCA to assist curriculum development in Ghana.

