Beijing Platform for Action: Critical Milestones to Eradication of Barriers to Women Participation in Decision Making in Kenya


Clinton Sukuru
Kiende Hellen


Women empowerment has attracted the attention of scholars globally. This is because women are a quality human resource that can change the quality of society. It is critical to note that, according to gender policy in Education there is consensus that girls and women empowerment in general has been affected by policies that manifest negatively on women access to opportunities. The purpose of this paper was to establish whether the Beijing Platform for Action declarations have been implemented to eradicate the barriers to equal participation of women as compared to men in all the sectors. The paper was guided by the following objectives: To analyze the progress made by women in power and decision making after the conference and determine the barriers that have hindered women from attaining key positions in decision making. Several international conventions and treaties ratified by member states have resulted to realization of women empowerment globally and among them is the Beijing platform of Action that was adopted by the Fourth World conference on women held at Beijing in1995. This was an agenda for women advancement and empowerment because it advocated for the removal of all the barriers to women active engagement in all spheres of life.  The conference advocated for empowering women anywhere and everywhere across the globe. The implication of this empowerment would be women visibility in power and decision making.  This paper was a desktop review. This review established that a significant number of women in Kenya have been able to overcome the barriers and have found their way into decision making positions. This has enhanced their participation in political, social and economic development of the country.
