Effect of Flag Diagram and Balance Model in Solving Linear Equations in One Variable: A Mixed Method Technique on First Year Senior High School Students
This study investigated the effect of equation models, in the form of semi-concrete materials such as ‘flag diagrams' and ‘balance model', on first year senior high school students' ability to solve linear equations. Qualitative research methods such as interviews were employed. Quantitative data analysis techniques were used to analyse pre-test and post-test data of first year senior high school students who were in Visual Art One (N=25). Paired samples t-test found statistically significant difference in favour of the post-test. The study found that the use of flag diagrams and balance model had positive effect on students' ability to solve linear equations in one variable, and also changed their perception and attitude towards learning of linear equations. The results indicated there is a strong evidence (t= 10.821, p 0.000) that the teaching intervention improved the post-test scores. Participants experienced statistically significantly higher score in post-test (p = 0.000) when taught how to solve linear equations using the equation models (M = 12.9, SD = 1.7) than in the pre-test (M = 5.12, SD = 4.8). Differences in post-test scores, supported with qualitative data, suggested that the use of flag diagrams and balance model require more classroom time because of administrative issues, and because of time needed to learn how to use the models in addition to necessary time to learn mathematics content. Teachers must allow students enough time to develop conceptual understanding linking the flag diagrams and balance model to the mathematics represented. Additionally, a discussion of unique benefits and drawbacks of flag diagrams and balance model shed light upon the use of flag diagrams and balance model in senior high school mathematics. It is recommended that there should be a control group and an experimental group instead of an intact class.