Determination of Bacteriological and Physical Quality and Safety of Bottled and Sachet Water Produced in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria
Purpose: This study was carried-out with aim to determine the bacteriological and physical quality and safety of locally produced bottled and sachet drinking water sold for public consumption in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State, Nigeria. Methods: Total of nine samples of bottled water from three brands and twenty-one samples of sachet water from seven brands purchased randomly were analyzed for bacteriological contamination (total coliform count and faecal coliform count per 100 ml) using membrane filtrate method and reported in term of cfu/100 ml. While physical parameters; pH, turbidity, odour and colour were analysed with standard laid down protocols. Findings: Both bottled water and sachet water were not contaminated with faecal coliform. All (100%, 21/21) of the sachet water and (100%, 9/9) of bottled water analyzed were within acceptable limits of 10 total coliforms per 100ml set by WHO and the Nigeria drinking water standards (NIS). The physical quality (turbidity, colour, odour and pH) of all the sachets and bottles water brands analyzed were within the acceptable limits. There was statistically significant difference between the median count of total coliform in both sachet water and bottled water brands ((2) = 1.80 = 0.5012). Both bottled water and sachet water were not contaminated with faecal coliforms; But few of sachets water were contaminated with total coliform still below acceptable limits though. Recommendations: Government and other regulatory agencies should intensify surveillance activities and enforce strict hygienic measures in this rapidly grow industry to improve good manufacturing practice of bottled and sachet water production as this will go a long way to enhance public health safety.