Employee Welfare and Intention to Leave Evidence from Lagos State Internal Revenue Service, Nigeria
The public servants globally play a vital role in the social and economic activities of any economy. The Nigerian public service has been plagued with the problem of employee intention to leave, thus negatively affecting their overall performance. Hence, this study investigated the relationship between employee welfare and employee intention to leave in Lagos State Internal Revenue Service in Lagos State, Nigeria. The survey research design was employed. The total population was 334 employees of Lagos State Internal Revenue and stratified random sampling was employed. A structured questionnaire was adapted and validated. The Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.700 to 0.882. The response rate was 86.20% and data treatment of multicollinearity, normality, linearity and homoscedasticity tests were accomplished. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Hypothesis was tested using regression analysis. Findings revealed that there was a negative significant effect of employee welfare on employee intention to leave, (β = -0.054, t = -0.958, p>0.05). The study concluded that employee welfare has a negative significant impact on employee intention to leave in Lagos State Internal Revenue Service. It was recommended that employees of the organisation will leave if the condition gets worst. In order to reduces employee intention to leave, there should be a positive improvement in employee welfare.