Influence of Information Technology Practices on Provision of Services in Public Institutions in Rwanda


Uwizeyimana Emmanuel
Patrick Mulyungi


Information Technology offers opportunities in different aspects of the countries and it is important in the provision of services specifically in public institutions. It is important to emphasize the need for information technology in public institutions order to competently manage and monitor their services.The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of information technology practices on provision of services in public institutions in Rwanda. The research adopted descriptive survey design and a total of 86 questionnaires were distributed to respondents. The respondents were purposively selected from the levels of Directors, Project Managers and Program Officers who are the main custodians of information in their institutions. Primary and secondary data was collected for the study. Questionnaire was used to collect primary data from the population and secondary data was collected from the Government reports and other related studies. A pilot on the instrument was conducted at Ministry of Public Service and Labour to determine instrument reliability. The collected data was edited, coded and classified; the data was analysed using descriptive statistics and some level of inferential statistics which helped to interpret the correlation of the independent variable to the dependent variable. SPSS version 21 statistical tool was used for data analysis. From multiple regressions, it was inferred that the use of information technology was significant in explaining the provision services at a 1% significance level. The study concluded that information technology has substantively contributed to knowledge management and on provision of adequate services. The study recommends the adoption of project management implementation practices by institutions implementing projects and further research on other project management implementation practices contributing to success of projects.
