Atmospheric Gases: Human Impact and Its Environmental Implications
The paper examines how man influences the composition and biospheric functioning of Atmospheric gases. Related literatures and secondary data were used to give explanations on issues. Atmospheric gases were studied with respect to their physical properties, specific human uses, reactivity among gases and their environmental consequences. Major challenge facing the biospheric environment arose because man is increasing the volume of atmospheric gases more than proportionately unfortunately these anthropogenic gases possess powerful greenhouse effect and very long atmospheric lifetime. Among the suggestions made are; (1) clear scientific explanation is needed to determine (a) the relative contribution of nitrous oxide to Atmospheric disorder, (b) the extent at which anthropogenic gases are influencing gaseous reactivity in the Atmosphere. (2) Ban on the generation of dangerous gases supposes to be made worldwide. (3) Emission of dangerous anthropogenic gases can be controlled through chemical reaction to a friendly gaseous form (4) Environmental education is important along the less privileged societies of the world (5) Developing nations should learn to tap Atmospheric resources for developmental purposes.