Organizational Integrity and Performance of Fast Food Companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria
This study was undertaken to determine the association of organizational integrity with performance of fast food companies in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Explanatory Cross Sectional Research Design was employed, using a structured questionnaire on a five point Likert scale of Very Great Extent (VGE), Great Extent (GE), Not Applicable (NA), Low Extent (LE) and Very Low Extent (VLE) to elicit responses from 248 subjects randomly selected from the population of about 650 employees using the Taro Yemen formula. With the aid of Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS), the Spearman rank order correlation coefficient was used to analyze data. The Results revealed a high degree of correlation between the dimension of the Criterion variable (integrity) and the Predictor variable measured in terms of productivity and increase in Market share. This implies a significant relationship between Integrity and organizational performance with coefficient of determination value R2 =.927 representing 92.7% concordance between the predictor and criterion variables. The study concluded that virtuousness is positively related to organizational performance and serves both amplifying and buffering functions. It is therefore recommended among others that Fast food companies should ensure that a high level of integrity is maintained in order to build trust and confidence amongst staff members and other stakeholders.