Quality of Complementary Food for Child Growth in Limo District, Depok City, West Java, Indonesia
Stunting is a form of growth faltering due to accumulation of nutrient insufficiency that lasts from pregnancy to 24 months of age. This situation is getting worse if the child does not achieve catch-up growth (catch up growth) is adequate. Stunting can be caused by a lack of awareness of the mother in the regulation and quality of food provided to the baby. Research shows that parents who have poor nutritionally-conscious behaviors have the opportunity to increase the risk of stunting in toddlers 1.22 times compared to parents who have good nutritional awareness behaviors.
The purpose of this study was to determine the relation between quality of complementary food with child growth. The research hypothesis is that food quality that meets nutrients can avoid the risk of stunting in infants.
The study took place in Limo Districk, Depok City. The research design is a case control study. The inclusion criteria were having an apparently healthy young child (12-23 months of age), didn't have any chronic disease, and living in the study area with no intention to leave until the study ends. Cases were under-aged 12-23 months with a TB / U index with z scores <-2 SD, while controls were under-two with TB / U index with z scores of -2 SD to + 2SD.The sample size was calculated from power analyses calculated to detect a medium effect size (0.5 standard deviation difference between means (1-tailed), with α = 0.05 and power of 0.80 to allow comparison of 2 groups in one or more of the outcomes considered (e.g. stunting). This resulted in a sample size of 99 that was augmented to 110 to allow 10% nonresponse rate The length/height and weight of the children were measured using length board or microtoise with a capacity of 200 cm and a level of accuracy of 0.1 cm while measurements of body weight using dacin, then the z height score according to age (TB / U) was calculated using WHO antro 2005 software. Data analysis was performed univariate, bivariate and multivariate with multiple logistic regression by using of Nutrsurvey application to process food recall and Stata 16 results for data analysis.
Bivariate test results showed that there was a relation between the quality of the complementary food with child growth.Conclusion:The quality of complementary food is associated with child growth.Recommendation: It is suggested to provide clear information about the types of food that toddlers need to consume to prevent stunting