Contribution of SOS Childrens Villages HIV/Aids Project on Poverty Reduction of Vulnerable Families Living with Hiv/Aids: Case Study of SOS Children's Village Kayonza, Rwanda
The invention of Village microfinance or Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLA) methodology of microfinance by CARE International changed the financial industry at a time when many people had no access to affordable financial services. This has had a lot of impact in the household level by improving their livelihoods, education access etc. However, many households are still facing with various sustainability challenges, which if not addressed could affect the life of the family members in the long-term. The purpose of the study was to examine the contribution of SOS children's villages HIV/AIDS project on poverty reduction of vulnerable families living with HIV/AIDS. Case study of SOS children's village Kayonza. The objectives of this study were: to establish the extent to which saving programs contributes to poverty reduction of vulnerable families living with HIV/AIDS in Kayonza District, to investigate how business training contributes to poverty reduction of vulnerable families living with HIV/AIDS in Kayonza District, to explore the extent to which group partnership contributes to poverty reduction of vulnerable families living with HIV/AIDS in Kayonza District and to assess the level at which access to credit contributes to poverty reduction of vulnerable families living with HIV/AIDS in Kayonza District. Descriptive research design was used to collect quantitative data from a target population of 110 members of VSLAs from SOS in Rwanda. A sample size of 87 respondents, and 2 TOTs within SOS village in Kayonza. Data collection was done using questionnaires which were administered to the respondents who are members of the village saving and Loan Associations. Content validity was used to establish the appropriateness of the instruments while half-split method was used to establish reliability. Quantitative data from the field was processed using SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) Version 21. The analyzed data was presented in the form of tables using frequencies and percentages. The study found out that Saving programs, Business training, Group partnership and Access to credit to a constant zero, poverty reduction of vulnerable families living with HIV/AIDS would be at 0.174. The study concluded that Economic empowerment has the potential to reduce the negative impact of AIDS on household economies through programs that foster savings and stimulate the development of Income-Generating Activities further The study recommendations to Government, NGO sectors and other stakeholders; the study implementation of HIV/AIDS related projects and micro-finance projects that would support and improve on the women's income which is a source of their livelihood in the community. These programmes should focus on an attempt that would protect women's rights more so on property ownership and inheritance of assets. The study also recommended that women should be empowered to be economically empowered to decrease their vulnerability to HIV/AIDS risky behaviors.