Effect of Strategic Quality Management Practices on Organizational Performance of Mobile Telecommunications Companies in Rwanda: A Case of MTN Rwanda


Sarah Mwende Wambua
Patrick Mulyungi


This research sought to examine effect of strategic quality management practices on organizational performance of mobile telecommunication companies in Rwanda using MTN Rwanda as a case study. Specifically, the research sought to: examine effect of client focus in line with the firm's performance of the telecommunications organizations within Rwanda, examine the continuous improvement on organizational performance in telecommunications firms in Rwanda, examine top management commitment in the telecommunications firms in Rwanda and to analyze effect of ISO 9000 Practices with respect to the mobile telecommunications companies' performance in Rwanda.  This research adopted a descriptive design. The target population of 150 was stratified into three strata: top management staff, middle management staff, and low-level management staff. Stratified sampling technique was used to reach to the entire population of the study. Stratified random sampling method brought out the aspect of accuracy and reliability to this study, because, each and every individual participated to this study. The study used both primary and secondary data collection methods. The researcher administered the questionnaire to each respondent. Quantitative data was collected and analyzed using SPSS and presented through percentage, mean, frequencies. Pearson correlation was used to assess if the relationship between the independent variables, and dependent variable which is organizational performance, was significant or not. From the findings all activities show that customer focus practices have been adopted in MTN Rwanda at large extent. All activities show that top management commitment practices have been adopted in the respective organizations at large extent. It was established that Quality management was embraced in the vision of the company to a large extent as shown by a mean of 4.02. All activities show that ISO 9000 practices have been adopted in the respective organizations at large extent with the mean ranging from 3.61 to 3.92. Therefore, this study recommends that telecommunication companies in Rwanda should consider adopting and implementing other quality management practices for example ISO 9000 and compares the benefits and the challenges of these quality management practices. This will provide a better platform of choosing the quality management practices that lead to improved organizational performance. The study also recommends that telecommunication companies in Rwanda need to level with the standards of highly successful firms globally in order to find out the quality management practices that the firms use in enhancing competitiveness. This will shed more light on the best quality management practices to adapt to increase organizational performance.


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