The Effects of Work-Family Conflict on Work Stress and Female Employees Performance at State Islamic University (UIN) of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


Ninik Wahyu Lestari
Dyah Sawitri
Umi Muawanah


This study purpose is to examine the effect of family conflict on work stress, family conflict on performance and family conflict on performance mediated by work stress.

This is an explanatory research type. The samples are 99 female education staff (employees) at Maliki UIN Malang.

The study results show that Work-family conflict affects on work stress. The higher the Work-family conflict increases the stress on female employees at UIN Malang. Work-family conflicts also have a negative and significant effect on performance. It means higher Work-family conflict will decrease the performance of female employees. Work stress does not affect on performance. The low work stress of women at UIN Malang does not affect on the performance.
