The Influence of Russian Communism and the Case of the Red Terror in Some Selected Cities of Ethiopia during the Military Government (1974-1991)
In the year 1974-1991, Ethiopia experienced a government of military dictatorship with a socialist ideology. The military junta led by colonel Mengistu declared Ethiopia a socialist state in which the central government had an undivided ultimate right on all aspects of economic, social, and political life of the state. After welcoming the Soviet political and military advisors with their leading cadres and activists, all sectors of the country's economy were turned state owned and command economy was established. The military junta ensues on to rule Ethiopia with decrees and proclamations with the then popular slogan called ‘Ethiopia Tikdem'. Snatching the political power of the people, the military junta faced violent resistance and armed struggle as well as urban guerilla. The military junta was responsible for human rights violation on enormous scale including the torture, murder and disappearance of tens of thousands of Ethiopians mainly during the year (1978-1979). This period dubbed the red terror. The red terror campaign was launched by Mengistu with a cruel and horrible speech delivered in Revolutionary Square in the heart of Addis Ababa. Almost all provinces in the country were indiscriminately affected by the terror as well as the torch. However, some major selected cities were the major victims of the torch and the terror. In response to the urban guerrilla attacks alleged by the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Party, Colonel Mengistu declared that for every Revolutionary killed, the Derg would respond by killing thousands of counter Revolutionaries. This research deals about The Influence of Russian Communism and the Case of the Red Terror in some selected cities during the Military Government of colonel Mengistu (1974-1991).Since the research aims to understand the insight of the people who were very affected by the torch and terror, the study used qualitative research methodology. In terms of techniques of data collection methods, the researcher used open ended questioner, depth interview and six focus group discussions. In addition to these techniques of data collection methods, the research has used also Books and other related secondary sources such as archives. The findings of the research have shown that Peoples in a state of dictatorship and subjugation have neither freedom nor responsibility. The failure of the military junta to handover the political power to the Peoples' of Ethiopia resulted in the death of thousands of innocent along with those persecuted from 1978-1979. A significant number of students in all levels were slaughtered, and left exposed to vultures in the streets of many cities. The Derg relentlessly hunted down many young students in general and EPRP adherents in particular and thousands of people were killed and executed. Moreover, the adoption of socialist ideology in Ethiopia led to the closing of many churches which was a confusing period among the believers and the study also reveals that the adoption of socialist ideology manifested with the lowest level of economic growth and development by demanding the country's economy in to the war field.