Bridging Communication Barrier between Deaf-Dumb and Normal Persons via Mobile Phones Technology
Deaf and dumb is a category of impairments that impaired one ear and ability to talk. People with hearing impairment are part of the society. Some were born with it while others got it either in their early age in life or lately as a result of one ailment or the other. The incredible thing about these people is that they can learn and do everything that people without impairment do. They put effort to learn how to read and write using the traditional method of learning in addition to sign language which most of them understood well which most people without hearing impairment are not doing. Study try to find out why it is difficult for people without hearing impairment to communicate with the deaf and dumb? and whether or not Mobile phone applications will help in learning sign language and bridging communication barrier. 200 questionnaires were randomly administered to both lecturers and students in Federal College of Education, Yola (FCE) and State Polytechnic (SPY). Simple percentage was used to analyses the data. Result of the study revealed that most people find it difficult to communicate because they do not understand sign language and that it is stressful to use hands for spelling and communication. It also revealed that mobile phone application if use can help in learning and mastery of sign language and bridging communication barrier between deaf-dumb persons and people without the impairment. Recommendations were made on need for people without hearing impairment to learn sign language, sign language lesson be introduced in the school system at primary and secondary schools