Small-Scale Irrigation Farming Interventions in Turkana County, Kenya


Jane Naliaka Situma
Jacob W. Wakhungu
Edward M. Neyole


Kenya relies heavily on rain-fed agriculture for food production. About 80% of Kenya's population live in rural areas and depend directly or indirectly on agriculture for their livelihoods. Agriculture continues to be the leading sector in the Kenyan economy in terms of its contribution to real GDP. Over-dependence on rain-fed agriculture is one of the major problems in Kenya's agricultural sector. Turkana County is a region of soils of high agricultural potential but aridity hinders its exploitation. It is characterized by scarce, erratic rainfall patterns. In the Kenya Vision 2030, under the economic pillar, increasing the land under irrigation is one of the key areas under agriculture sector. It aims at improving food security and household income which could contribute to nutrition security consequently to a healthy population that is competitive globally and has high quality of life. Small-scale irrigation has been practiced in Turkana for several years; however, there is scanty information about the effect of this irrigation on the nutrition status of the pre-school children.  The current study investigated the small-scale irrigation farming interventions in Turkana County. The objectives of the study were to; determine socio-economic characteristics of households in Turkana County and evaluate food crop production via irrigation.  Research design used was cross-sectional survey design. Purposive and cluster sampling were used. The study sample size was 420 comprising of 210 households practicing irrigation and 210 not practicing. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaires, key informant interviews, Focused group discussions and observations. Data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The following computer software was used in data analysis; statistical software for social sciences. Qualitative data was analyzed into frequency distribution and Spearman's rank correlations. Foods mainly produced via irrigation were legumes and nuts (68.1%), grains, roots and tubers (66.7%). It is recommended that creating enabling institutional and economic environments is a major prerequisite to successful irrigation farming interventions. There is also need to enhance production of fruits and vegetables in the current study area.
