Assessment of Housing Quality and Environmental Degradation in Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria


Okafor Johnbosco Ikenna
Keke Onyinye Vivian
Efobi Dumebi Jessica


Housing represents one of the most basic human needs and has no doubt, a profound impact on the health, welfare and productivity of individual. It includes both the physical structure of a building, the services provided in the building as well as the surrounding. There is therefore the need for a certain level of standardization of the structure as well its facilities for human and environmental functionality. This paper studies the housing quality of Awka, the capital city of Anambra State and its resultant effect of environmental degradation therein. Exploratory survey was conducted and data collected were analysed using tabular, pictoral and Pearson's chi-square analytical technique. The study revealed that even though some areas in Awka had adequate housing, there were some other areas with poor quality houses which have resulted in the degradation of such environment. It was recommended that Government should make available, infrastructural facilities such as, electricity supply, access road, good drainage system, etc., in order to make the environment conducive and improve on its housing quality.
