The Influence of Work Ethic and Organizational Culture on Teachers Professionalsm and Organizational Support as Variable Moderating in Private Vocational High School (SMK) Muhammadiyah 5 Kisaran, Indonesia


Tasya Id Hafiza
Yeni Absah


The purpose of this study is to know the influence of work ethic and culture organization to professional teachers and support organization as variable moderating in Private Vocational High School (Smk) Muhammadiyah 5 Kisaran. The research is kind of quantitative research with analytical descriptive study. The research is population research with a population of about 40 teachers productive. This research result indicate (1) there is the influence of work ethic on teacher professionalism with a path coefficient value of 0,033, (2) there is an influence of organizational culture on teacher professionalism with a path coefficient value of 0,488, (3) there is an influence of work ethic and organizational culture on teacher professionalism with a path coefficient value of 0,933, and (4) there is a positive and significant influence of organizational support to strengthen the work ethic and organizational culture towards teacher professionalism with a path coefficient value of 0,566 with variable conclusions acceptable.
