Assessment of Staff Contentment and Inspiration for the Organizational Success: The Case Study of Some Selected State Bank of India, in Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatnam


Addisu Tesema Tanga


The main objective of the study was to asses Staff Contentment and inspiration for the organizational Success in the Case study of some selected State bank of India. In the meantime, it aimed at assessing major factors that affect employees' Contentment and Inspiration and their impact on organizational Success. To achieve these objectives, the study employed descriptive survey method. In this study both primary and secondary data were used. The primary data obtained from questionnaires distributed for employees of the company's and secondary data were obtained from the different books, annual plan, and documents of the organization. Out of the total of 109 (100%) employees, 75(68.80%) sample population were selected using Simple random sampling method. However, considering four (4) unreturned questionnaire, only 71(65.13%) employees participated in the study. Collected data were analyzed both quantitatively using percentile and qualitatively through document narration. This study revealed that almost all employees were not satisfied due to finance, lack of training and incentives. Majority of the employees believed that inspiration has high impact on the organization performances. The bank's Incentive package was unattractive and could not achieve high quality work. The organization did not follow open door policy. This study also indicated low relationship among employee's satisfaction, motivation and organization performances. Therefore, the organization should reform the incentive package and the work system should be inclusive of the employees.
