A Research Paper On Communication Mix For Buyers Purchase Decision Towards Consumer Durables In Rural Areas Of Maharashtra State
Communication mix plays very important role in buying decision process of consumers and as rural India has opened big gates for sales of durables companies are working on finding suitable communication mix to cater the market successfully. Consumer is nerve centre of the modern marketing, understanding his behavior is quite essential for efficient and effective marketing management. Customers may state their needs, wants but act otherwise. They may not be in touch with their deeper motivations. India's consumer market is riding the crest of the country's economic boom. Driven by a young population with access to disposable incomes and easy finance options, the consumer market has been throwing up staggering figures. Marketing problem enhancing from the consumers' behavior has a greater degree of similarity behavioral problems relating to the consumer durables. Hence, the present study has been chosen to identify and ascertain the extent of problems of consumer behavior have an impact on the marketing of consumer durables in the fast growing and a green belt of Satara District. The consumer behavior in relating to consumer durables is strongly affected by some economic, social, cultural and psychological factors; the present research has been selected for an intensive empirical survey of the various factors influencing the buyer's b
ehavior on consumer durables in Satara District of Maharashtra State.