Teacher Pedagogical Competencies for Implementation of Inquiry-Based Science Instruction in Basic Education Classrooms, Taraba State, Nigeria


Danjuma Gideon Stella


This study investigated pedagogical competencies present in basic science teachers who used inquiry-based approach for science instruction at the basic education level. The research was carried out in Taraba State of Nigeria. The study adopted a mixed-method model, incorporating the designs of observations and descriptive survey. The sample was made up of 123 basic science teachers. The instruments were an observation protocol of 5 questions and structured questionnaire of 34 items, developed by the researchers. Three research questions and one null hypothesis guided the study. Data analysis was done using researcher observations, mean and standard deviations to answer the research questions; while the t-test was used to test the hypothesis at p <0 .05 level of significance. Results of the study showed that pedagogical competencies present in the inquiry-based instructional classrooms included 1) teachers' ability to work with students, 2) teachers update their knowledge in science education mostly through in-service training. Teachers' use of inquiry-based approach related to the presenting pedagogical competencies revealed that male and female teachers' instructional classrooms are not significantly different. From the findings, the researchers recommend that basic science teachers should be encouraged to go for regular in-service training in order to become proficient in the required pedagogical competencies for implementation of inquiry-based instruction.
