The Nature of Transmigration Land Ownership and the Implementation of Regulation in the Province of West Sulawesi, Indonesia


Andi Hijrah Thalib


Land, as a gift of God Almighty, is a natural resource that is very needed by humans to meet their needs, both directly for their lives such as farming, or being used to live, or to carry out business activities such as places of industrial trade, agriculture, plantation, education construction of other facilities and infrastructure. The very limited empowerment of natural resources must be able to balance the growth rate of the rapidly human birth because all-natural resources, especially land, are not renewable. The natural religious relationship between human with land is a relationship of control and use of land in order to obtain benefits for the importance of life and livelihood, both for the importance of life and livelihood, both for their own interests as individual beings and shared interests as social beings. With such position, therefore land is the main resource which is a place for the interests of various parties, thus in reality there are various conflicts of interest above and below the ground, further more if the legal certainty of ownership is not established yet. Three years after the proclamation of independence, in 1948, the designing of the legal protection of national agrarian was begun. A special committee was formed in Yogyakarta because it was back then the capital of the country, then the legal protection in the land sector could finally be made, known as the birth of the Agrarian Principle Law (UUPA) which came into force on September 24, 1960.
