Assessing Indigenous Knowledge of Pastoralist in Livestock Disease Control: The Case of Borena Zone
The finding was conducted in four wereda of Borena Zone (D/dawa, Yabello, Arero and Dire) which focused on the indigenous knowledge in livestock disease control. The data was collected from randomly selected household and key informant of 96 people. The study was enclosed personal characteristics of respondents such as, age, marital status and educational level, and the constraints in livestock production, the major disease and parasite in the study area, indigenous methods to control livestock disease and its effectiveness. About 46.9% of the respondents are found in 35-50 years of age which hold the highest values and 87.6% of the whole respondents are categorized under married. Auto of these only 41.7 % of them could contact with the agricultural extension agent once per a year. The data were analyzed by use of SPSS statistical analysis. There are several factors which affect the effectively production of livestock, among this the drought and disease are the major problem in the study area. The effective indigenous methods practiced in parasite and disease control are hygiene, herbs, self-diagnosis, herd sharing, movement and bounding.