Effectiveness of Levels of Implementation of School Evaluation in Arusha City Public Secondary Schools, Tanzania
This study aimed at assessing the Effectiveness of School Evaluation on Improving Teaching and Learning Processes in Arusha City Public Secondary Schools. This study was guided by the Utilization Focused Evaluation theory which assume the regardless how the evaluation processes and findings are, unless they are implemented to bring improvement, the evaluation is in vein. The study employed convergent parallel mixed methods through concurrent approach where Ex-post Facto design case study designs were employed. The study sample were 166 teachers, 3 Heads of schools, 3 Ward Education Officers, 1 City Academic Officer, 6 School Quality Assurance Officers (SQAOs) and 1 Chief Zonal Quality Assurance Officer. Both probability and non-probability sampling procedures were utilized in selecting participants of the study. The study utilized questionnaires, interview guides and focused group discussion for data collection. Internal consistency reliability was estimated based on correlations among all Likert scale items on a questionnaire test using coefficient Alpha method. The study found that high performing schools implement SQAOs' findings schools than low and treatment schools. However, SQAOs' visit does not reflect the true picture in low performing schools as compared to both high performing and Treatment schools because of the unintended effects. The study recommends the true experiment design research that involves more low and high performing schools.