Mathematical Model of Surface to Air Intercepting Missile
The purpose of this design is to lay up a precised intercepting missile trajectory equations for military rapid response of counter attacks of enemies' high invading targets. The set of non linear mathematical equations that model the trajectory of an intercepting missile is presented here with considerations to characteristics such as Angle of Attack (AoA), Lift off speed, Optimized flight direction (wind direction). A numerical solution using MATLAB is also derived for rapid computation and feed back into the missile launcher command computer system. This paper include scientific data for atmospheric variables such as pressure, density, gravity and temperature to an altitude below the tropopause (11km) beyond which the data seized to be true. An iterative computational process which divides the earth's altitude into finite strata is used in MATLAB program to predict the flight parameters (AoA, lift off speed, intercept time) given input parameters (safe intercept position, speed of enemy's target, position of enemy's target)