Graphological Foregrounding in S. A. Mohamed's Babualipofufuka
Writers employ various stylistic devices in their texts as a way of achieving thematic delivery and high aesthetic value of their texts. Stylistic devices are deployed in a novel way by different writers toward this end. For this reason, writers exploit the dynamic nature of language to construct sentences that serve particular contexts. In stylistics, graphological foregrounding has been used by writers since the beginning of the 20th century. Foregrounding has been used by Swahili writers. Many studies have been carried out about foregrounding and graphology in poetic works. A few studies have focused on foregrounding in prose writing especially English prose. Foregrounding in Kiswahili literature especially prose literature has not been given attention. This paper focuses on graphological foregrounding features in Said Ahmed Mohamed's Kiswahili novel, Babu Alipofufuka. It examines various levels of graphological foregrounding and the significance of this stylistic device in the text. Foregrounding features of graphological nature in the text have been analysed. The paper argues that foregrounding plays a central role in achieving thematic delivery and aesthetic presentation in S.A. Mohamed's Babu Alipofufuka.