Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Focal Points from Research Evidence in Ghana
The study is a qualitative research of a case study approach. Using interview as instrument the study sought to determine the extent to which an inclusive early childhood education centre; UNIPRA has succeeded in the attainment of the stipulations of Ghana's Inclusive education policy. In this direction, four early childhood educators working at the centre responded to questions on four thematic areas: measures taken by the centre towards inclusive early childhood education, benefits in their estimation associated with inclusive early childhood education, challenges that characterize the implementation of inclusive early childhood education, and suggestions provided to address challenges associated with inclusive early childhood education. Findings of this study revealed that some steps had been taken by the centre pursuant to inclusive education program. Also, de-stigmatization of persons with special needs, learning in a corporative environment, and ability of persons with special needs to learn the norms and practices of mainstream societies were some of the identified benefits emanating from the study relative to inclusive education. Among some of the challenges identified by participants regarding inclusive early childhood education practice were lack of parental involvement, limited trained personnel, and lack of resources. Perspectives of participants in the area of advancing inclusive early childhood education in Ghana and also caped as recommendations of this study included; training of staff and personnel involved in inclusive education, demonstration of commitment on the part of the different stakeholders in the area of inclusive education, as well as the provision of the necessary resources accompanying inclusive education in Ghana.