Influence of Design Parameters on Heat Transfer Coefficient during Flow Condensation in Pipe Using Taguchi Approach


Lohith N.
Bhaskar H. B.
Manu S.


The optimization of design parameters is the important step in the Taguchi Method which uses the orthogonal array to maximize the effect of controllable parameters and to minimize the effect of uncontrollable process parameters. This study presents the optimum design parameters on heat transfer coefficient of flow condensation in the pipe using Taguchi method. The investigation was carried out to optimize the heat transfer coefficient (h) for flow condensation. The three factors were considered: Diameter (d), Pressure (P), Mass flux (G) at three different levels. The L9 orthogonal array was selected and the best optimum conditions were identified based on Signal to Noise (S/N) ratio under the characteristic of larger is the best. The results showed Mass flux contribution is more on heat transfer coefficient. 
