Effect of Surface Modification on Tensile Strength of Woven Jute Fiber Mat/Epoxy Composite


Bhaskar G.
Batluri Tilak Chandra


Composite materials are versatile materials which are widely used because of their advantages like high strength to weight ratio, low cost, various combinations in quality and quantity etc. In this FRP composites contribution is more but major drawback is the fabrication process of fiber, it is not environmental friendly and costly. This scenario made researchers to look for alternatives which are easily available, ecofriendly, and low cost. The researchers found natural fibers like Jute, Bamboo, Hemp, Sisal, Coir, etc., are giving nearer results with artificial fibers especially with glass fibers. Researchers also found by using some surface treatment on fibers can improve interfacial properties (Bonding, Wettability) will enhance the strength considerably. From literature it is found that natural fibers can be surface treated by soaking them in alkali and acidic medium which will improve the wettability. Hence in the present investigation alkali (2% NaOH), Acid (2% HCl) and Distilled water soaking has chosen for 3, 6, 9 hours and then washed in normal water and dried in sun light. Then these fiber mats were reinforced with epoxy by hand layup process and closed molding. After curing it for 8 hours, the composites were heat treated for an hour at 75° (Glass transition temperature). Finally, the specimens were cut as per ASTM standards for Tensile strength and testing was been conducted. Finally, the results were tabulate and graphs were plotted which concluded that surface treatment of 2% HCl and NaOH both are better for 6 hour duration. The maximum tensile strength obtained for HCl at 6 hours was 104 MPa.
