Investigation of Mechanical Properties of A356/Al2O3/RHA by Stir Casting Method
Conventional monolithic materials have limitations in achieving good combination of strength, stiffness, toughness and density. To overcome these shortcomings and to meet the ever increasing demand of modern day technology, composites are most promising materials of recent interest. Metal matrix composites possess significantly improved properties high specific strength, specific modulus and good wear resistance compared unreinforced alloy. Among MMC's aluminium composites are predominant in use due to their low weight and high strength. The Key Features of MMC's are specific strength and stiffness, excellent wear resistance, high thermal and electrical conductivity. The present investigations aim at the development of A356 aluminium alloy based Rice Husk Ash (RHA) and Al2O3 particulate reinforced hybrid metal matrix composites by stir casting route. Tensile strength and Hardness of the hybrid composites have been evaluated. Significant improvement in the properties was been observed with the addition of reinforcement. Further, properties of heat treated composites were enhanced when compared to as cast composites.