Electrochemical Studies of Terbutaline Sulfate at Sodium Alpha Olefin Sulphonate Modified Carbon Paste Electrode


C. T. Ramya Kumari
Mamatha G. P.


Electrochemical properties of terbutaline sulfate (TBS) at the carbon paste electrode modified with sodium alpha olefin sulphonate (SAOS) were explored by cyclic voltammetry (CV) and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The response was evaluated with respect to pH, scan rate concentration and other variables. The results indicated that TBS underwent irreversible oxidation at the modified electrode, which was a diffusion controlled process with two protons and two electrons. The TBS showed one well-resolved irreversible oxidation peak at around +624 mV, which served as the analytical response. The low detection limit (LOD) and low detection quantity (LOQ) of terbutaline sulfate has been found to be 0.6μM and 2.1 μM with a correlation coefficient of 0.99678. The modified electrode showed good sensitivity, selectivity and stability for the determination of TBS. 
