Work Study of a Parking Facility
There has been Traffic explosion across major cities in the world and in today's context there is a need for Parking facilities to reduce traffic congestion and space requirement. Constructions of parking facilities are costly affair and are difficult to maintain. There is an ample scope for Work study on parking lot so as to optimize the performance and better utilization of parking facilities. Traditional parking facilities are somewhat non standardized and follows the concept of "One size fits all” but in reality each facility have their own requirements. Therefore, it is of prime importance to study the functioning of the facility using Industrial engineering tools and techniques such as memo motion study for time study and flow diagram for movements. There are many factors that must be considered while proposing changes to the present method like cost effectiveness, efficiency of space utilization, time, safety criteria and environmental conditions but it is important to limit the scope of the work to be studied to lesser number of factors amounting to larger consequences. Data collections in the form of video and time pertaining to layout and vehicular movements were made and through analysis were carried out using Timer Pro software, a product of Applied Computer Services, Inc. (ACSCO), there by optimizing efficiency of fee collection time and reduction in customer waiting time in the parking facility.