Participation of Women at Different Stages of School Education in Srinagar District, Jammu & Kashmir, India: A Trend Analysis (2000-2010)


Madhu Mathur
Waqar ul Nisa


The most important role played by the private enterprise in Kashmir for promotion of education during pre-1947 period was to a large extent supportive for the women as their education was restricted to the upper class in ancient Kashmir. The salient feature of educational provisions enabled the women in Kashmir to emerge from the state of ignorance and poverty. The taste of reforming society entailed not only making Kashmiri women aware of their inadequacies, but also awakening them to the benefits of modern education, which was an inextricable component of a truly Islamic unified society. This resulted in effecting among the women a position of economic prosperity, social rejuvenation and political emancipation. The paper presents the trends in women enrollment for school education in Srinagar district during the period from 2000 to 2010 along with the prior educational history of this area presenting predisposing factors in determining current events. 
