A New Method to Determine the Concentration for LiBr Solution in Vapor Absorption Refrigeration System


Manu S.
T. K. Chandrashekar
C. Girisha


The growth in industrialization and improvement in the science technology has developed a new system for the sophistication for the mankind. According to ASHRAE reported more than 50% of the generated power is consumed by the refrigeration and Air-conditioning systems. This resulted in the energy crisis and attributed to development novel systems like vapour absorption refrigeration system.  LiBr-H2O (Lithium Bromide-water) vapour absorption refrigeration system showed the promising solution because it uses heat energy to run the system and also it uses natural refrigerant as water due to this there is no detrimental effect on the environment. The key components of this system are generator and absorber and there it is necessary to maintain required concentrations if not resulting in scaling in the line. The literature review showed that, conventional methods are used to determine the concentration. In this regard, the paper attempts to develop the new method to measure the concentration quickly, accurately and at low cost by using conductivity under ambient conditions. The results showed the accuracy in the measurement on compared with conventional method.
