Effect of Gamma Radiation on Magnetic Properties of Magnesium Zinc Ferrite
The Magnesium - Zinc Ferrite with a composition of . Ferrite powders have been successfully prepared by solid state reaction. The structural, morphological and composition studies were done by using by X-ray diffraction, high resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). The prepared samples are irradiated to high energy gamma radiation of 60Co source of energy 6.972 k Gy per hour (dose: 300 k Gy and 500 k Gy). The XRD spectra are obtained for the irradiated samples and compared with that of the pristine samples to study the changes in the structure. The increase in crystallite size with of radiation dose is observed. The Hysteresis curves were measured using vibrating sample magneto meter (VSM) for both irradiated and un irradiated samples, the results showed a considerable change in saturation magnetization with radiation dose. This may be due to ion induced disorder, cat ion distribution.