A Study to Assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Pre-Procedure Anxiety Level of Patient Undergoing Upper GI Endoscopy in Krishna Hospital, Karad, India
Background: Endoscopy is the visualization of internal organs for medical reason by the use of a lighted sterile endoscope. Endoscopy plays a major role in diagnosis and management of gastro intestinal disorders and in clinical research. The National Endoscopic Database reported that total number of endoscopic procedures increased by 34.1% from 2001-2005, but trends differed by procedure. Most of all procedures induce anxiety in patient. Lack of knowledge is the main reason for the increase in anxiety. If the person is having much knowledge regarding endoscopy procedure may produce decrease anxiety level.
1) To assess the knowledge regarding upper GI endoscopy among patients.
2) To assess the level of anxiety in patients undergoing upper GI endoscopy.
3) To assess the attitude of patient undergoing upper GI endoscopy.
4) To find an association between demographic data and results.
Methods: Descriptive approach was used to assess the level of knowledge, attitude and anxiety of patient undergoing upper GI endoscopy in K.H Karad. Total sample 60 was taken and convenient sampling technique was used. Data were collected by using a self structured questionnaire for assessing knowledge, Hamilton anxiety scale for assessing the anxiety and non standardized attitude scale for assessing the attitude. The data were tabulated and analyzed in terms of objectives of the study, using descriptive and inferential statistics.
Results: In the present study it was found that out of 60 patients those who are undergoing endoscopy procedure majority belonged to age group of 46 (31.66%), male patients were 51.66%, 86.66% were Hindu by religion, 71.66% married, 80% belongs to joints family. 60 (11.66%) having poor knowledge, 52(86.66%) having good and 1(1.66%) having excellent knowledge on the endoscopy procedure. Out of 60 patients no one having mild anxiety, 31(51.66%) having moderate level of anxiety and 29(48.33%) having severe level of anxiety. Assessing the attitude of patient out of 60 patients 10 (16.66%) having negative attitude, 37(61.66%) having most favorable attitude and 13(21%) having favorable attitude. It was also evident that there is no association between demographic variables with the level of knowledge and level of attitude.
Conclusion :The main outcome of the study that the patient undergoing endoscopy procedure may have anxiety because of the lack of knowledge. Majority of patient having moderate level of anxiety. Their attitude towards the endoscopy procedure is most favorable. Proper education may decrease the level of anxiety in patient.